Chemistry lab is set to help students learn scientific concepts and to enhance students interest, motivation, practical skills and problem solving abilities. In view to this our School possessed Two chemistry Labs one in the secondary unit and the other in the senior secondary unit.
Chemistry is often perceived as complicated and even boring. At our school, learning chemistry is super fun! It is a place to explore, enjoy and also understand the responsibility of treating equipment and chemicals with the care and attention they deserve. Learning methods, facilities and the faculty here prove that the subject can be interesting and easy to learn.
Each of our science subjects has a separate laboratory. The chemistry lab is fully equipped to ensure that students are in touch with all the latest developments and techniques in this realm. The environment and setting of the lab nurture the intuitive and inquisitive minds of the children and enhance their zest to make scientific enquiries. The teachers and the highly trained lab staff provide an atmosphere conducive to learning not just in theory but by applying it practically.
Our school’s chemistry lab has state-of-the-art apparatus:
Computer aided environment
Durable and high quality glass beakers
Marked cylinders for measuring liquids
Glass flasks
Wickless alcohol lamps with stand
Test tubes and stands
Tubing Pinch Clamps
PH papers
Rubber stoppers
Ring stands
Distillation equipment and many other equipment
Well-maintained, good quality and safely stored stock of chemicals for conducting experiments
Fire Fighting Equipment
Well-stocked First Aid kit
Our teachers and staff are well trained in the safety procedures necessary in the laboratory. Health and safety are given paramount importance in our school. Students are taught about this aspect before they get down to conducting experiments. They are taught to prevent mishaps and deal with them effectively in case of an inadvertent error resulting in an emergency. Anyone who enters the lab must wear protective gear like safety goggles, lab coats, mouth masks and gloves. We ensure that the equipment and chemicals are checked at regular intervals and all defective materials are instantly disposed off. Students are coached on being alert and must inform the lab assistant or the staff on duty of any imminent hazard or risky chemical spills. Everyone is taught to use the safety, emergency as well as the fire fighting equipment so that accidents are prevented.