The modern school library is also a media center having a professionally trained librarian specialist who manages a central collection of diverse learning resources to support our school's curriculum, meet individual students' need and interest, and ensure that young people develop information literacy skills within the school's curriculum. This concept of a learning resource center is both a social development of the twentieth century and an evolution of information exchange.
Libraries along with a separate reading room provides another space for children to learn. This helps students to navigate themselves to a quiet area to study and encourage students to read and go beyond what is taught in the classroom. It helps to impact positively on the academic achievement on the students. Students can perform better during examination by reading various books. It can run independent learning, programmes which integrate informations, resources and technologies.
In our school there are five spacious advanced libraries, out of them one for Pre-Primary wing, one for Primary wing, two for Secondary wing and one for Higher Secondary wing. The five libraries have books over 45,000 approx. cumulatively.