Swami Dayanand Jayanti 2024
Event Start Date : 24/02/2024 Event End Date 24/02/2024
Swami Dayanand Jayanti 2024: School Cultural Program Plan
Theme: "Awakening the Spirit of Arya Samaj: Reviving Vedic Values in Modern Times"
To commemorate the birth anniversary of Swami Dayanand Saraswati.
To educate students about his life, teachings, and contributions to society.
To foster an appreciation for Vedic values and social reform.
As Swami Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti 2024 on February 24th 2024
Program Outline:
Opening Ceremony (30 minutes):
Welcome address by the principal or a senior teacher.
Garlanding of Swami Dayanand Saraswati's portrait.
Recitation of Vedic mantras.
A short speech highlighting Swami Dayanand's life and philosophy.
Cultural Program (1 hour 30 minutes):
Skits: Dramatizations of key events from Swami Dayanand's life or his teachings (e.g., his advocacy for women's education, his opposition to social evils).
Recitations: Students reciting excerpts from the Vedas or Swami Dayanand's writings.
Songs: Devotional or patriotic songs that reflect the spirit of his teachings.
Dance performances: Classical or folk dances that convey themes of social reform or Vedic values.
Speeches/Debates: Students presenting speeches or participating in debates on relevant topics, such as the importance of education or social equality.
Closing Ceremony (30 minutes):
Prize distribution for participants.
Vote of thanks.
National anthem.